Property Management: To Hire or Not to Hire? Making the Decision for Your Real Estate Investments


When it comes to managing your real estate investments, one of the critical decisions you’ll face is whether to hire a property management company or handle the responsibilities yourself. Both options have their advantages and considerations, and the choice depends on various factors such as your time availability, expertise, property portfolio size, and personal preferences. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each approach to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and circumstances.

Managing Properties Yourself:

1. Direct Control and Hands-On Approach:

Managing your properties yourself provides you with direct control over all aspects of property operations. From tenant selection and rent collection to property maintenance and repairs, you’ll have a hands-on approach to every aspect of property management. This level of control can be appealing to some investors who prefer to be intimately involved in their investment properties.

2. Cost Savings:

Managing properties yourself eliminates the expense of hiring a property management company. This can be particularly beneficial for small-scale investors with a limited budget. By handling the responsibilities personally, you can retain a larger portion of the rental income and potentially reduce overall expenses.

3. In-Depth Knowledge and Familiarity:

Managing your properties allows you to develop a deeper understanding of the intricacies of property management. You’ll gain firsthand experience dealing with tenants, handling maintenance issues, and navigating local regulations. This knowledge can be valuable if you plan to expand your property portfolio or become more involved in the real estate industry.

Considerations for Self-Management:

Time Commitment: Property management can be time-consuming, especially as your portfolio grows. Be prepared to dedicate significant time to handle tenant inquiries, maintenance requests, rent collection, and property inspections.

Expertise Required: Managing properties effectively requires knowledge of landlord-tenant laws, marketing strategies, financial management, and property maintenance. You’ll need to educate yourself or acquire the necessary expertise to handle these responsibilities competently.

Availability: Consider your availability and whether you can handle emergencies or unexpected situations that may arise outside regular business hours.

Hiring a Property Management Company:

1. Time Savings and Convenience:

Outsourcing property management to a professional company frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your life or invest in additional properties. Property managers handle day-to-day operations, tenant communications, maintenance coordination, and emergency situations, providing you with convenience and peace of mind. Why should you have to worry about all the tree care, outside maintenance and tenant calls – let someone else handle those things so you can focus on the big picture of your business and investment.

2. Expertise and Industry Knowledge:

Property management companies specialize in handling rental properties and possess extensive knowledge of local real estate markets, landlord-tenant laws, and industry best practices. They bring expertise in tenant screening, lease negotiations, rent collection, and handling legal and maintenance issues. Their experience can help maximize your property’s rental potential and minimize risks.

3. Network of Professionals:

Property management companies have established networks of trusted vendors, contractors, and service providers. They can leverage these connections to ensure timely and cost-effective maintenance and repairs. Additionally, they often have access to marketing platforms and resources to help attract quality tenants and reduce vacancy periods.

Considerations for Hiring a Property Management Company:

Costs: Property management companies charge a fee for their services, typically a percentage of the monthly rental income. Consider the cost and weigh it against the convenience and expertise they bring to the table.

Trust and Communication: Entrusting your properties to a third-party requires trust and effective communication. Thoroughly research and interview potential property management companies to ensure they align with your values, goals, and expectations.

Selection Process: Take the time to find a reputable and experienced property management company with a track record of success. Seek recommendations, read reviews, and ask for references to make an informed decision.


Deciding whether to manage your properties yourself or hire a property management company requires careful consideration of your personal circumstances, investment goals, and available resources. Both options have their merits and considerations. Managing properties yourself provides direct control, cost savings, and in-depth knowledge, but it requires time, expertise, and availability. Hiring a property management company offers convenience, expertise, and time savings, but it comes with associated costs and requires trust in the chosen company.

Evaluate your priorities, assess your capabilities, and weigh the benefits and considerations of each approach. Ultimately, the decision should align with your goals, resources, and comfort level. Remember that you can always reassess and adjust your strategy as your property portfolio evolves. Whether you choose to self-manage or hire a property management company, maintaining open communication, setting clear expectations, and prioritizing the well-being of your tenants and properties will contribute to your success as a real estate investor.